Flávio Cruvinel Brandão: Série com o Tuim-de-Asa-Amarela, Periquito, Maritaca (Brotogeris chiriri chiriri) no Ipê-Roxo Bola (Tabebuia impetiginosa) - Series with the Yellow-chevroned Parakeet (Brotogeris chiriri chiriri) at the Pau D'Arco Bark - 09-06-2012 - IMG_0621
Joel Bybee: Glass Dish 1_Broken_11-11-23_0009
Joel Bybee: Glass Ornament 5_11-10-20_0144
Joel Bybee: Buscot House_11-05-19_0105_a
Joel Bybee: Woody Bay_11-07-07_0031
Salete T Silva: Entardecer na Praia da Vila/Imbituba/SC
Joel Bybee: Paperweight 2_11-10-22_0092
Joel Bybee: Castle Ashby_11-10-15_0189
Loligallardo: internet con problemas...
Joel Bybee: Glass Bowl 17_Rainbow_11-05-28_0001_a
Joel Bybee: Anglesey Abbey_11-06-01_0345
Joel Bybee: Wine Glass 4_Rainbow_11-06-12_0052
Joel Bybee: Anglesey Abbey_11-06-01_0359
Joel Bybee: Anglesey Abbey_11-06-01_0368
NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center: Chandra Deep Field South (NASA, Chandra, Hubble, 06/15/11)
Joel Bybee: Anglesey Abbey_11-06-01_0250
socalgal_64: Sunset Dreams
Joel Bybee: Buscot House_11-05-19_0021
Tim Noonan: Pale Reeds
Joel Bybee: Glass Bowl 16_Crystal_11-05-06_0040
Joel Bybee: Badby Woods_11-04-18_0288
Joel Bybee: Badby Woods_11-04-18_0295
lapetitisa: Printemps, saiZon(e) de non droit
Letua: Mariposas
Joel Bybee: Exotic Plants & Flowers_11-03-16_0002
Joel Bybee: Berries_11-02-14_0013
sonia furtado: Barco encalhado