Teresa Q: - Margarita III -
BhumiJoshi: Underwater Photography
karrah.kobus: the trusty stallion.
karrah.kobus: phoebe!
Lara Swift: resurrection III (reloaded)
pyejessica: Self Portrait
_nimz: dark days
Phil Sharp.: _DSF6051 copy
morosphinx: Maltraitance animale et humaine : des liens à comprendre pour mieux agir
chrisfriel: afterthought 101224
chrisfriel: 231224
manyfires: falls creek falls and panther creek falls, revisited, part two (hikes of 2023)
Hel Des: Quand les arbres se congèlent avec la brume froide.
Gandalf's Gallery: Paul Klee - Fateful Hour at Quarter Past Eleven [1922]
Gandalf's Gallery: Vincent van Gogh - Undergrowth with Two Figures [1890]
Gandalf's Gallery: Georges Braque - Teapot on Yellow Background [1955]
Gandalf's Gallery: John Van Alstine.- Sling [2012]