Spring Land (大地春): Mao Zedong's thoughts shine. 毛泽东的思想放光芒
Spring Land (大地春): Sailing the seas depends on the helmsman 大海航行靠舵手
Spring Land (大地春): sacred place of the revolution 革命圣地
Spring Land (大地春): Long live the spirit of friendship between China and the Soviet Union 中苏友好精神万岁
Spring Land (大地春): Young Mao Zedong 青年毛泽东
Spring Land (大地春): Celebrating the twenty anniversary of the founding of the nation - 1969 - 1949 庆祝建国二十周年 1949——1969
Spring Land (大地春): Hong Kong workers loyal to Chairman Mao 香港港九工人忠于毛主席
Spring Land (大地春): Mao Zedong birthday of 120 years 毛泽东诞辰120周年
Spring Land (大地春): Long live the victory of Chairman Mao's revolutionary route 毛主席的革命路线胜利万岁
Spring Land (大地春): Celebrating the twenty anniversary of the founding of the nation - 1969 - 1949 庆祝建国二十周年 1949——1969
Spring Land (大地春): Guizhou Provincial Industrial Transportation Infrastructure Finance and Trade Association 贵州省工业交通基建财贸群英会
Spring Land (大地春): We have to cure the Haihe River. 一定要根治海河
Spring Land (大地春): Celebrating the founding of the Communist Party of China 48th anniversary 1921 - 1969 庆祝建党四十八周年 1921——1969
Spring Land (大地春): Celebrating the twenty anniversary of the founding of the nation - 1969 - 1949 庆祝建国二十周年 1949——1969
Spring Land (大地春): Tongling County martyrs dependents demobilized soldier disabled revolutionary armymen construction of socialist construction activists Medallion 铜陵县烈属军属革命残废军人复员建设军人社会主义建设积极分子纪念章
Spring Land (大地春): National leader 国家领袖
Spring Land (大地春): Always loyal to Chairman Mao.永远忠于毛主席
Spring Land (大地春): Celebrating the twenty anniversary of the founding of the nation - 1969 - 1949 庆祝建国二十周年 1949——1969
Spring Land (大地春): Chairman Mao received the Red Guards 毛主席接见红卫兵
Spring Land (大地春): Poems of Mao Zedong 毛泽东诗词
Spring Land (大地春): sacred place of the revolution 革命圣地
Spring Land (大地春): Celebrating the twenty anniversary of the founding of the nation - 1969 - 1949 庆祝建国二十周年 1949——1969
Spring Land (大地春): Mao received the Red Guards 毛主席接见红卫兵
Spring Land (大地春): The Red Star 红星
Spring Land (大地春): Tiananmen 天安门
Spring Land (大地春): Chairman Mao waved me forward 毛主席挥手我前进
Spring Land (大地春): Red Youth 红色青年
Spring Land (大地春): he first phase of the Southern University 南方大学第一期毕业纪念
Spring Land (大地春): Tiananmen 天安门