ExeDave: Sir Nigel Gresley
linanjohn: [52.008/BF380] Synanthedon formicaeformis: Red-tipped Clearwing [Sesiidae]
ExeDave: Cloudberry
ExeDave: Rusty Bog-moss
ExeDave: Avro Lancaster
linanjohn: UNID [Ichneumonidae- Ichneumon Wasps]
linanjohn: Merodon equestris [Syrphidae- Hoverflies]
linanjohn: Dryophilocoris flavoquadrimaculatus [Miridae- Plant Bugs]
linanjohn: Liocoris tripustulatus [Miridae- Plant Bugs]
linanjohn: Dioctria oelandica: Orange-legged Robberfly [Asilidae- Robberflies]
linanjohn: Sialis sp: [Sialidae- Alderflies]
ExeDave: The Dart Valley
ExeDave: Starcross and Exmouth
ExeDave: Comma
ExeDave: Marsh Helleborine
ExeDave: An open gate
ExeDave: Three
David J. Morris: Wooltack Point looking towards Ramsey Island
David J. Morris: Tenby Harbour
David J. Morris: Tenby Harbour
ExeDave: Goldfinch
Steven Falk: Caliprobola speciosa male - Denny Wood, New Forest 2011a
Steven Falk: Tansy beetle habitat at Rawcliffe Meadows,York 2.6.2017
Steven Falk: Chrysolina graminis mating - Rawcliffe Meadows, Yorks 2.6.2017b
Steven Falk: Nomada flava female - Hampton Wood, Warwickshire 2017a
Steven Falk: Nomada flava female - Cuckmere Haven, Sussex 2009a
Steven Falk: Nomada flava female - Cuckmere Haven, Sussex 2009b
ExeDave: Peacock
ExeDave: Psaromoura Beach
ExeDave: Limonium