helloowlblog: Party lights check.
helloowlblog: Testing out my new painting in the space before I get it framed. No rush as the wall needs to be finished first.
helloowlblog: Trying to remember why I said yes to having a party for our birthday.
helloowlblog: The hair. It just gets me every time. It's so damn cool.
helloowlblog: Fallen off the lunch box wagon already it must be Wednesday. Thank god for tuck shop.
helloowlblog: Absolutely horrible way to end the day #justkidding #darwinnt #ntaustralia #seeaustralia
helloowlblog: Crazy kids and life #ontheblog
helloowlblog: Hanging out with dad while he does a work out.
helloowlblog: Busted! Bare bum and on the table eating the kids leftover afternoon snack.
helloowlblog: Good friends never turn up empty handed. #thatsonehugedoughnut
helloowlblog: After falling early tonight Violet just bolted down the hallway crying and said I just can't go to sleep,I don't like it. I tried to put her back to bed but then I fetched her a blanket and a pillow and turned the tv on (hello chicken little) and went to
helloowlblog: I think we need to pay our babysitter more money. This kid is totally out of it.
helloowlblog: Our Saturday. #thegoodwife
helloowlblog: Don't worry mate the baby fell asleep so we are already screwed.
helloowlblog: Just sold this cupboard on Facebook. We might be totally wild and spend our money on ice cream.
helloowlblog: Sitting here having a glass of wine and ignoring my children because all I can hear is them whinging. I might have a husband on paper but this certainly feels like single parenting. #fridaywhinge
helloowlblog: I brought the kids 6 dumplings each before leaving the shops and they devoured them before we even made it home. Lucky I hid mine they probably would have eaten them too.
helloowlblog: My little sister has run away to @campmerriewoode in America for the summer I don't think she will be complaining about the view #campmerriewoode
helloowlblog: Nobody is napping today but they did do an absolute fabulous job destroying the lounge room while I was hanging the washing on the line.
helloowlblog: I've got a list as long as my arm and this child just wants to cuddle.
helloowlblog: How to make a sports top look fashionable. Slap on some make up, do your hair, tie a knot in your shirt to make it shorter, wear cute shoes. That's it! I'm afraid there is nothing else you can do to make it cute. It's a hard piece to work with :p
helloowlblog: Booze, cigarettes and origin #darwinnt
helloowlblog: Violet: I reeeeallly love dump-llllliiings #lunch
helloowlblog: Violet says: i reeeeeallly love dump-lllings #lunch
helloowlblog: @thehippybrad left instragram and he didn't even say goodbye. How could you do that to us brad #bringhippybradback
helloowlblog: Walked into the room to find Violet like this. This has my mother all over it.
helloowlblog: He had the best spot to watch the sunset. #luckyfella #ntaustralia #darwinnt
helloowlblog: Took the girls for a run to burn off my school drop off rage. We managed 4km with a half flat tyre so not a total failure. I stand by the fact that exercise is for idiots. #toohotforexercise #ntaustralia #darwinnt
helloowlblog: Life is better at the beach
helloowlblog: I love the way the light hits this wall in our lounge. Mess and all.