Kirsty': moon after sun
Kirsty': poor sam
Kirsty': christian, uncertain
Kirsty': cheesy tiger
Kirsty': pink apples, rosey cheeks, bike rides through the country with alex
Kirsty': moss and lichens oldest forest in the UK
Kirsty': i got tired of too much think! The villian of the inward theatre playing to a mind at work with itself
Kirsty': always wanted a Jay feather
Kirsty': tb testing
Kirsty': building a home
Kirsty': Laura from my time in the commune
Kirsty': doughtuts
Kirsty': The light leaked into my hand, I had it, held it unknowingly for a moment
Kirsty': To my left, my right hand man
Kirsty': Learnt to milk a cow. v.special
Kirsty': I sat among the rest who milked the cow. I drank my tea and smiled with them
Kirsty': H.Ponting Inspiration
Kirsty': Dan Singer
Kirsty': Our temporary home
Kirsty': sickly sweet like palma violets, i like peat bogs you see
Kirsty': 2016. A strange year, slept in hammocks with deer.
Kirsty': Copuate a go-go
Kirsty': We drove through 3 hours of storms to see you
Kirsty': 250 miles to photograph you
Kirsty': Summer
Kirsty': The nomenclature of agricultural colour
Kirsty': Come down here, you say.
Kirsty': Looking into before, looking out, looking on and on
Kirsty': further on mid focus, trying to take it all in. 2018
Kirsty': morning swim