hellohouse: Quick and dirty photo of new crown molding. Better one coming.
hellohouse: Kitchen In Progress: Panoramic Part 4
hellohouse: Kitchen In Progress: Panoramic Part 3
hellohouse: Kitchen In Progress: Panoramic Part 2
hellohouse: Kitchen In Progress: Panoramic Part 1
hellohouse: IMG_0525
hellohouse: IMG_0519
hellohouse: IMG_0516
hellohouse: IMG_0515
hellohouse: IMG_0514
hellohouse: IMG_0513
hellohouse: IMG_0512
hellohouse: IMG_0506
hellohouse: IMG_0498
hellohouse: IMG_0496
hellohouse: IMG_0494
hellohouse: IMG_0491
hellohouse: IMG_0476
hellohouse: Kitchen composite shot. Ikea cabinets, sink, cooktop, and oven. Counter-depth fridge.
hellohouse: workshop before
hellohouse: workshop before
hellohouse: workshop before
hellohouse: workshop before
hellohouse: the mess next to jef's desk
hellohouse: basement before
hellohouse: basement before
hellohouse: basement before
hellohouse: basement before
hellohouse: basement before
hellohouse: basement before