hellobeautifulworld: @spirals looking happy!
hellobeautifulworld: Everyone smart phones at the ready!
hellobeautifulworld: Chilling out before talking some serious digital
hellobeautifulworld: More people crowding in for a digital breakout group
hellobeautifulworld: Getting ready for a digital breakout extravaganza
hellobeautifulworld: More post presentation chat
hellobeautifulworld: Just been told that he has to stay in @ashleynclarke's breakout group
hellobeautifulworld: Yeah there he is!
hellobeautifulworld: Who ever is stood out of shot the right is obviously very witty
hellobeautifulworld: Quick last minute decision over which breakout group to choose
hellobeautifulworld: A QR code fan heads towards the exit
hellobeautifulworld: It's going to be a difficult breakout group ...
hellobeautifulworld: Anybody who likes QR codes feel free to leave through the emergency doors at the back
hellobeautifulworld: The most important decision of the night - Which breakout session?
hellobeautifulworld: More ROARRing impressions
hellobeautifulworld: Which breakout session are you going to?
hellobeautifulworld: Someone obviously mistook the NFPtweetup for a modelling shoot
hellobeautifulworld: Heading into the Burma breakout session
hellobeautifulworld: Was that really a ferret wearing bunny ears in the last presentation?
hellobeautifulworld: Is that a camera I spy?
hellobeautifulworld: Downloading presentation after-thoughts
hellobeautifulworld: Which presentation was your favourite?
hellobeautifulworld: @salleeann is shocked to find someone who likes QR codes
hellobeautifulworld: A nice cheerful picture of de-briefing and networking
hellobeautifulworld: @Jezgibson still has a lot to talk about
hellobeautifulworld: @weaseldance looks suspicious
hellobeautifulworld: @jezgibson is deep conversation after some brill presentations
hellobeautifulworld: More interval de-briefing
hellobeautifulworld: Post presentation chat
hellobeautifulworld: @ade_WWF has just heard something funny