hellendor: Gone fishing
hellendor: Evening
hellendor: Anaura
hellendor: An unhappy sea
hellendor: 6726
hellendor: Anaura Bay
hellendor: Waiparapara Marae, Tokomaru Bay
hellendor: Dusk
hellendor: Loisels Beach
hellendor: Don't mess with this swan
hellendor: The wharf at Tolaga Bay
hellendor: OK...
hellendor: Adopt-a-Bath
hellendor: East Cape sunrise
hellendor: Whanarua Bay
hellendor: Ruakokore
hellendor: Snack patrol
hellendor: NZ Shipping Co
hellendor: You've GOT to be kidding
hellendor: Hikurangi
hellendor: Anaura Bay
hellendor: It's a bit draughty...
hellendor: Anaura
hellendor: St Mary's
hellendor: Nikau palm & cabbage tree
hellendor: The church at Whangara
hellendor: The Anaura Road
hellendor: St Mary's Church, Tikitiki
hellendor: Bird of Paradise
hellendor: Waiting for the break