hellendor: Reaching to the sunlight
hellendor: Tobacco flower
hellendor: Dawn
hellendor: Island mooring
hellendor: Great Barrier
hellendor: First light
hellendor: Horizon
hellendor: Watching you, fella...
hellendor: American alligator
hellendor: Nightfall on the coast
hellendor: Late afternoon sun
hellendor: Strolling
hellendor: Doing his thing
hellendor: Castlepoint Lighthouse
hellendor: Beach wildflowers
hellendor: Castlepoint sunrise
hellendor: Morning commute
hellendor: Tui
hellendor: Kowhai
hellendor: Worker bee
hellendor: Altostratus
hellendor: Kererū, fat & happy
hellendor: 0635
hellendor: Rate this holiday
hellendor: The South Island stops here. Don't fall off.
hellendor: Cape Farewell
hellendor: Fossil Point
hellendor: Farewell Spit
hellendor: Farewell Spit lighthouse
hellendor: Fur seal