hellendor: A dead parrot
hellendor: First light
hellendor: Ugly but tasty
hellendor: Dawn mist 2
hellendor: Haunted house
hellendor: Big Apple
hellendor: The back of beyond
hellendor: Afternoon light in Featherston
hellendor: View from the choo-choo
hellendor: Seaweed
hellendor: Tararuas
hellendor: Makin' hay
hellendor: Real estate agents
hellendor: Lace curtains
hellendor: Streetlamp
hellendor: Traversing the hill
hellendor: Webmaster
hellendor: Featherston station
hellendor: Anzac Day, Featherston
hellendor: Ake ake
hellendor: Te Ore Ore Rd, Masterton
hellendor: Cordyline australis
hellendor: Onion patch
hellendor: Greytown Borough Council
hellendor: Pigeon Bush
hellendor: Gladstone scarecrow fair
hellendor: The one and only
hellendor: On the Rimutaka Hill
hellendor: Emporos, Greytown
hellendor: The road over the hill