Joel Robison: “Life, with its rules, its obligations, and its freedoms, is like a sonnet: You're given the form, but you have to write the sonnet yourself."
►CubaGallery: landscape
lombartBCN: Luces y sombras bajo la lluvia (Barcelona)
isayx3: Sonalii
Joel Robison: A New Realm
WDWFigment: Partners & Wishes - "National Post A Disney Photo Day"
rubyblossom.: Grassy Background
IrenaS: The Way to There
Anna Heimkreiter: And the days blur into one
Mick Canon: Hey Look! A Robin!
[]: Beautiful Sin
ArielRose Photography: Maisy the Chihuahua
isayx3: Santa Monica Pier Carousel
{jessica drossin}: something different
javirunner: Una tumbona y un tumbao
javirunner: Sant Quirze de Besora - Vista del rio
javirunner: Estacion de Francia - Dos trenes
raewillow: Back to Basics
BrianBallPhotography: Sheffield Canal
javirunner: Postal desde El Borne de Barcelona
bardaxi: El Ebro guarda silencio...