Jennifer Rosen: DSC04353
sulci: editorial self portrait
*junket*: End Of The Roll
Maciej Dakowicz: Pink Hat - Cardiff, Wales, UK
*Helen Bingham*: 124/365 - The look of shock was apparent
..AVA..: The joy of being
sulci: Light
sulci: eyeliner
sulci: no umbrellas today
Tiffany Arment: Mich & Dan Wedding
anna☆morosini: be silent.
ALL_CAPS: Canada's 41st Election—Explained
Animé du zkukkuiz: may it nOt be just anOther day...
Simon-K: Even Superman has to eat sometime...
donnaidh_sidhe: IMG_1296
lolicht: _MG_9590b
peterstrauss: Scott Pilgrim vs. The World poster
Fistfulofpowder: Made in China
Fistfulofpowder: These electric eyes
BlazingLara: Good at being Bad.
Nelson Webb: Whyte Ave - High Fives