a.laruelle: Quel raffut dans le sapin
captured views: out of the shadows...
Sindri Skúlason: Alder Flycatcher (Elrigreipur)
Titole: Se souvient-on d'un nuage ? *-*
Sigurður Bjarnason: Þúfutittlingur / Meadow Pipit
Peter Quinn1: Over Owler Tor in August
Onasill - Bill Badzo -- Happy D: Bellingham Washington - United States - Washington Grocery Building Apartments - Historic Building
Onasill - Bill Badzo -- Happy D: Oberlin Ohio - The First Church in Oberlin - Congregational Church of Christ
Onasill - Bill Badzo -- Happy D: Oberlin Ohio - Tappan Square - College Square - Historic
Onasill - Bill Badzo -- Happy D: Oberlin Ohio ~ Talcott Hall ~ Kosher Halal Co-op ~ HIstoric ~ 1887 ~ Oberlin College
Onasill - Bill Badzo -- Happy D: Lake Placid New York - Autumn Leaves Downtown Cottage - Historic
Philip Schofield: Bearded Reedling
Gabi Hahn: Brombeeren und Himbeere
Gabi Hahn: federleicht
Gabi Hahn: Rose
jlst2i: Glory and abundance on Trillium Hill
jlst2i: First fawn visit of 2020
Johnny☺: Geai bleu gourmand
Johnny☺: Feuilles rousses
Johnny☺: Automne / Fall
jorgeedoramirez: Ms176- Pibí sombrío (Contopus lugubris)
jorgeedoramirez: Blue Jay (Cyanocitta cristata) Explore 22 set. 2020
disdada: Flower
disdada: Rising Yellow Flowers
Zygmunt Borowski: Głogów - the Town Hall
Zygmunt Borowski: Głogów - Theater Andreas Gryphius after rebuilding
atliegilsson: blíðan
reed70260: Snowy Owl
Sindri Skúlason: White-tailed-Eagle (Haförn)-58