sonja-ksu: breakfast time..
claudedelrieu21: dimanche 13 lever du jour
claudedelrieu21: la petite maison dans les vignes de Gevrey
gille33: Ailes de Sympetrum à la rosée (4).
波堤 Boti: 赤腹鶇, 欣然領受從天而來的恩典, 感恩享有甜美果子。
Pedro Agulló: Micenas en familia
Diego Mola: Ostuni. Puglia
* Yumi *: momiji
sonic0500: tears were shed at that time have supported me even now. 310
Michael A Tipton: CF Country Road E4 1 x 2
La tana del coniglio: ricordo di Sicilia4
nobuflickr: 線香花火
nobuflickr: 永観堂の紅葉
PietroM.: tramonto sullo stagnone
maar73: edited with Analog Efex Pro, double exposure
michelafoto: ophrys fusca
Massimo Feliziani: Casa rurale
zio paperino: ...colors...
werner_austria: 07-14_2249_PROVENCE
Ptitmoranne: Jolie !!
Duvali@-Lat@ (Serge Rolandez): Orchidée Abeille / Ophrys Apifera
chibitomu: She sat still.
werner_austria: 07-14_5879_PROVENCE
sonic0500: I Listen carefully to your breath. 123