Artoleria: shelving - bacheca restyling
*Mirre*: Making new cushions
girard312: Bathroom
girard312: Shelves
girard312: Thin Pullout
girard312: Bency
Pipets: Regina Irwen
Ulanna: #55
Dressy Doll: Bisque Doll 'JinJju'
Dressy Doll: 'JinJju'
Inna and her Blythes: 2014-06 DSCF1720 small
.Iuliania.: My lovely babies
AlmondDoll: wip - BCEU
-Poison Girl-: Emiri - July custom
sanxistreet (Love Note Studios): Roy- Custom Raspberry Sorbet
Dressy Doll: Bianca
Pipets: blythe regina irwen
sanxistreet (Love Note Studios): Vienne at the pool!
Ulanna: blouse for blythe
Ulanna: #54
Pipets: Regina Irwen neo
Pipets: Regina Irwen neo
Petite Apple: Lazy summer days