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heeeraldo: oatmeal sourdough, from start to finish #vscocam #vscofood #tartinebread #naturalstarter
heeeraldo: today's the last day this little polydactyl goober is our neighbour (along with her human @pizzameg.) safe travels, little kitty. #vscocam #mollythecat #fuzzballs
heeeraldo: real pleased with recently arrived $3 phone case. also, current mood. #vscocam #thankyoualiexpress #singlecatdoublebird
heeeraldo: departing selfie, ft. most excellent boyfriend. #laxcellent #vscocam #homewards
heeeraldo: caramel-covered marshmallow isn't much to look at, but it had a great chew/spring/meltiness thing going. #laxcellent #vscocam #stuffweate #breakfastofchampions
heeeraldo: don't do it. #vscocam #weho #laxcellent #enigmaticsigns
heeeraldo: capitalist imperatives #laxcellent #weho #vscocam #neonsigns
heeeraldo: the graffiti of my people #vscocam #laxcellent #weho #notinaliteralsense
heeeraldo: tacos, tacos, boyfriend looking at tacos. also: one quesadilla. #laxcellent #vscocam #guisados #stuffweate
heeeraldo: also we made faces under the shade tree, which seemed appropriate #laxcellent #vscocam #travelnerds #theshadetree