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albums of HearTheFootsteps
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Basin and Saddleback Slides
Nippletop Slide
Lost Pond Peak
Colorado 14ers 2023
Wright Peak Left Wing Slide, Algonquin, Iroquois
Gothics East Face
1990 and Trap Dike Slides
Nature Reclaiming the Brothers NE Slide
Scooter Slide (Seward Mtn)
Bennie Brook + Skinny Slides
Zealand - Bonds Traverse
New Slide in Hunter's Pass
Colorado 14ers 2021
Presidential Range Traverse
New Slide on Gothics II
Phelps + Tabletop
Loop Around Mt Colden
New Slide on Armstrong Redux
Herbert Brook
New Slide on Armstrong
New Slide on Gothics
New Beckhorn Slide
Orebed Brook and Saddleback Slide Then and Now
Around the Area in May 2020
Around the Area in April 2020
Crater Lake Oregon
Colorado 14ers 2019
A Macomb West Slide
The Old-New Audobahn(aka Penalty Box) Slide
Whiteface & Esther
Santanoni Slide
Mt Colden 1990 Slide
Breakneck Ridge & Walkway Over the Hudson
High Peaks Autumn
Colorado 14ers
Dipper Slide and East Face
On Gothics North Face
Portland, Oregon
Nippletop Slide
Lake Placid Slide Winter
Killburn Slide
Seymour Slide
Chicken Coop Slide
Moose Mountain North Slide
Kilburn Slide
1990 Slide
Left Wing Slide
KHP Hike 3500 Winter
Hunters Pass Slide
Pyramid Peak
The Long Way to Basin
Lake Placid Slide
White Mountains June 2016
Short Bushwhack to Allen Mt
Hunters Pass Slide
Blake Slide 02-27-16
Great Slide on Grace Peak
Seymour and Whiteface
Catskill Waterfall Hike
Rocky Peak Ridge
Seymour to Emmons
Marcy Slides in Panther Gorge
Trip over Wright 08-29-15
Johannsen Face 8-22-15
Dix Slides 08-08-15
New Hampshire 07-15
Cheney Cobble
The Lowsights Across HaBaSa
NSEW 06-06-15
Wildcat Range 05-09-15
Bottle Slide 02-21-15
Vanderwhacker 02-07-15
Macomb - Old Route plus, 01-17-15
Macomb Slides 8-9-14
Couloir Slide Feb-1-2014
Dix Range 11-16-13
NH Hike 9-28-13
MacNaughton 07-27-13
Trap Dike 7-20-13
Hadley-Roundtop 5-3-13
Marcy Loop 04-27-13
MacIntyre Range 4-14-13
Basin Slide 4/6/13
Orebed Brook 4/6/13
Haystack->UWJ 03-30-13
True North Slide & Lower Range
HaBaSa 01-19-13
Xmas 2012 - Sawteeth
Mt Rogers, VA 9-2012
Avalanche Lake 9-8-12
Gray Peak 3-15-12
Seymour 01-07-12
Sa to LWJ 12-26-11
HaBa 12-23-11
Tabletop-Colden 12-17-11
Whiteface 11-12-11
New Slides ADKs
Katadhin July 2011