YourAuntBee: crates the puppy. That's fine. You can call her a monster. It's what worked for the #Beastie and now the #MonChiChi is getting the same routine until they can trust her in the house. You can imagine how surprised she was to be greeted at the door by thi
YourAuntBee: is toasting the Golden Child. #Yup #mdyb
YourAuntBee: is on her weekly #TacoTuesday date!
YourAuntBee: loves when the #Beastie tried to fit in Harriet's bed. 🐝 #Bee365 #Giantess
YourAuntBee: hopes all the mas out there had a lovely day! Hers started at 5am, pulling poop out of this one's booty. 🐝 #Bee365 #Yuck #DogMom #MonChiChi #SundaysAtTheRanch
YourAuntBee: loves the Fifth Element! #MovieSimmer2017
YourAuntBee: needed some nourishment after the party! New Orleans burger and curry fries. #GoodCombo
YourAuntBee: had a great time volunteering at the Speak Easy for @SWCforHIVAIDS. May have shed a tear or two but tons of laughs. 🐝 #Bee365 #People
YourAuntBee: swears the #ToeSaga is almost over. The day of the appointment came. She was relatively calm as she worked that day, but she didn't trust herself to stay calm when talking to the doctor. She came up with different ways to distract herself at the appoin
YourAuntBee: is apparently demonstrating the waiting by making some of you wait for the conclusion of this story... Except the waiting she had to do was really hard. It wasn't waiting for someone to finish the stupid story, already...or even just waiting for an app
YourAuntBee: is excited about gumbo for dinner! 🐝 #Bee365 #MirePoix
YourAuntBee: is so stupid excited. Dub continues to be a saint and spoil her even though she deserves none of it. Most of you won't understand but owning a Star Ferry #MidoriTravelersNotebook is a big deal. Her quest is over. #Spoiled #Yup #StarFerry #mdyb
YourAuntBee: doesn't's NOT cool to wear the same shoe in different colors at the same time and not notice until someone asks you about it half a day later? 🐝 #Bee365 #Fleek
YourAuntBee: is digging the cooler air and rain. The air is so much clearer. 🐝 #Bee365 #Blue
YourAuntBee: always thinks of Ashlee and Clay's wedding party when she hears this song. 🐝 #Bee365 #Prank
YourAuntBee: is so excited to see baby Groot! #IAmGroot #MovieSimmer2017
YourAuntBee: is celebrating the weekend.🐝 #Bee365 #Sangria
YourAuntBee: is having an identity crisis. She was up at 530, showered and dressed at 8 and then at the grocery store by 830. And now she's dead tired. What a party animal! 🐝 #Bee365 #Identity
YourAuntBee: asked, but no...they didn't have a Cinco de Mayo special at Babbo's. Food was still yummy! 🐝 #Bee365 #Calzone #5deMayo @BabboItalian
YourAuntBee: took this photo of the just-bathed #PupSquad. The #MonChiChi is trying to figure out how to jack the toy from the #Beastie. So that's the cute part of the post. The rest is gross. This is your fair warning. You can totally skip this and still understa
YourAuntBee: accidentally took a weekend (plus) break from the toe saga. She didn't realize anybody was really paying much attention until a couple of people yelled at her. Big apologies and on with the story... For those of you wondering "What saga?" just...well g
YourAuntBee: is on a dinner #TacoTuesday date with Dub.
YourAuntBee: is on a taco lunch date with Perhach!
YourAuntBee: is having a #MeatlessMonday 🐝 #Bee365 #Veggies
YourAuntBee: and Dub have been hanging out at the pool all the day and "Summertime" by DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince just started playing and they lost dem damn minds!!! 🐝 #Bee365 #Summertime #SundaysAtTheRanch
YourAuntBee: swears it's tea. #TheRanchOfLeaves @perchbrewery
YourAuntBee: has somehow never been to @pitajungle before. So yummy and so much! She's got food for the rest of the weekend! #EwDateNight
YourAuntBee: wishes her brother was here to be terrified with her. #PhoenixForgotten #MovieSummer2017
YourAuntBee: hopes this is good mojo for @kcroyals #ForeverRoyal #RaisedRoyal #PupSquad #Beastie #MonChiChi
YourAuntBee: really knows how to let loose on a Friday night. Breakfast burritos from the new appliance amd Jeopardy! 🐝 #Bee365 #Fresh