NY Arthur: Squirrel Proof ?
Camp JRA: P7190230
Scott's Travel Photos: Screaming Owl
Hannahbellah: Tree swallow
Chuck Hunts: Ball of White Petals
Tina Beer: Luna Moth
Scott's Travel Photos: The Henchmen
Evan Pagano: The Waiting Game
lucycat: EasternBluebird 20090523N 034wf2
winnu: IMG_2946-1c
Lorcan Keating: Western Scrub-jay
tigertina1: squirrel taken by my husband redandwhitearmy
praguelondon: Memory Cards Ready for the Post
lucycat: PileatedWoodpecker 20081212N 117wf
rivadock4: Mantis Pairing
calljohn3: IMG_7746sm
Ruthie Kansas: Eastern Bluebird
Matt Cole1: Bee feeding
- Burning Rubber -: Hide And Seek - I Love It!
Claire DeLand ~ "GA Music Maker": Monarch Butterfly - Sept 2008
Allen Sparks: Monarch, male
Marion Brite: Hey, Neighbor!
dmatp: a tender moment w/ a squirrel
dmatp: will dance for craisins
Marion Brite: Three Some