can5dos: You've got to be kidding...
can5dos: Haven't you heard of prefab...
can5dos: Keeping the Peace
can5dos: I will remain calm...
can5dos: Shopping Swallow
can5dos: Think of the time we'll save...
can5dos: Please look at the gourd
can5dos: TreeSwallowStoryBegins
can5dos: It has potential...
can5dos: No Small Matter...
can5dos: Hello in there, Tree Swallow Here...
can5dos: Oh Most Dignified Husband...
can5dos: Pondering the best approach...
can5dos: I'll Flutter about maybe he'll notice...
can5dos: Great Lookout Post...Good Neighborhood
can5dos: We'll Build Two Nests
can5dos: Unwanted Visitor
can5dos: How is it they plan for two nests?
can5dos: Nest Building Has Begun
can5dos: Oh's time...
can5dos: Her Post of Preference...A Chair near the pool.
can5dos: Yes Juliet...
can5dos: The Birds & The Bees
can5dos: You ou ou thrill me...
can5dos: The Birds & The Bees SwallowLove001 (13)
can5dos: ...and a thing called love.
can5dos: The Birds Are Spring Fadoodlein'
can5dos: The Birds & The Bees, Swallow Love
can5dos: The Birds & The Bees SwallowLove001 (7)
can5dos: The Birds & The Bees SwallowLove001 (6)