HC Seidelin: scandinavianaggression.com
HC Seidelin: Charlestown in December
HC Seidelin: Hazardous Cargo is my middle name
HC Seidelin: Rocking chair and new boots
HC Seidelin: EUTURE
HC Seidelin: EUTURE - close-up
HC Seidelin: Detail of something large and bombastic
HC Seidelin: One of many stages of Roosevelt water symbolisms
HC Seidelin: Sunset memorial walk-by
HC Seidelin: Pedestrian services stop here
HC Seidelin: Baked & Wired
HC Seidelin: OEOB - aka tastefullest Christmas decoration so far
HC Seidelin: Norwegian Christmas
HC Seidelin: Union Station, DC
HC Seidelin: I did a little shopping...