HC Seidelin: #dressleft #lumberjack #taarnet
HC Seidelin: WTF @realdaniadk?! I finansierer et knivskarpt #koolhaas kompleks i hjertet af København, lover nye udendørs og indendørs byrum i lange baner... Og så skal der alligevel lige installeres småsprossede vinduer anno nationalromanticisme ;-) #øjebæ
HC Seidelin: "Summer is coming" party at the dorm common room #anyexcuse #studentlife
HC Seidelin: Når hvert hold har vundet en runde og den tredje ender uafgjort (!) må vinderen naturligvis findes ved at køre en ekstra mime-runde med alle 96 sedler. Gøgl og Grethe Sønck galore! #margretheskål
HC Seidelin: Fortrylles igen og igen af @sort_samvittighed. Turen til Svogerslev er nærmest bare #merværdi til oplevelsen. #ToveToveTove
HC Seidelin: Look! It's a #selfie dinosaur!
HC Seidelin: #stillleben with #butterbeer, camera strap and excited child. Best overpriced kids' attraction ever! #harrypotter
HC Seidelin: The road repair team had fun that day...
HC Seidelin: Daily dose of baby talk, courtesy of #statensit. #password
HC Seidelin: You #sellout! #reappropriation
HC Seidelin: I'm undecided as to whether this is #muchtoomuch or whether the Danish #Højesteret is in dire need of a bunch of palm trees.
HC Seidelin: Save for a bunch of teenagers going on 'studietur' I swear I'm by far the youngest person going to Rome. I'll fit right in... #grandpa #37goingon77
HC Seidelin: #thisiswhyyourefat, #Britain
HC Seidelin: #cardiacarrest imminent. #britishcuisine at its finest.
HC Seidelin: Wicked. Because homosexual.
HC Seidelin: #Passport and ear plugs. Things you should have handy for your flight. Not things you should leave on the dinner table... I'll unpack a pair of socks and a set of underwear for my shortened, long weekend while I damn countries that chose to remain outside
HC Seidelin: Preparing for #performancedevelopment meeting with my manager. I'm contemplating substituting my self-evaluation with just bringing this cup along. #dedication #coffeeisthegreatestmotivator
HC Seidelin: #errolflynn #robinhood #thestruggleslashlovingslashfencingisreal
HC Seidelin: Må jeg se din logonlog? Lokke, lokke, lokke... #lync #translationfail #danish #danglish
HC Seidelin: #parcequejelevauxbien #parcequeimattheofficeonafridaynight
HC Seidelin: Look! I made a boring presentation using an ugly, meaningless jpeg, including a 'do not download' #watermark. #awkward #powerpoint
HC Seidelin: #cheese, #marble, #candles. Check! Oh my, did you remember #antlers? Of course you did, @jamesedwardclark
HC Seidelin: #UFO #christmas
HC Seidelin: #Nephew, #pomade style. Calvin in the photo booth, anyone?
HC Seidelin: Dear #November, I already pardoned you for being grim and grey this year - on the condition that you stay away for at least 11 months. As such there is no need to sweeten my mood with this stunner of a view over #Ørestad. But I appreciate the thought.
HC Seidelin: Kære Norge Jeg fratager dig hermed retten til at have et selvstændigt sprog, da du helt tydeligt ikke har forstået, hvad det går ud på. ...og med 'retten til' mener jeg ikke 'retten fra'. #grindr #sprog #norskerfjollet
HC Seidelin: A universal #contradictioninterms. #delicatessen #cocacola
HC Seidelin: See the problem with this? I know, me neither. Btw, #topfenstrudel and #schlagobers are great words! #vienna #idiedandwenttocalorieheaven
HC Seidelin: They have #budding pastries! I may never leave. Oh, and #schlossschönbrunn is pretty, too. #vienna #wienerbrød
HC Seidelin: Here's to you, @urbinhplanning. Or, when (your travel companion is) in Rome, do like he's most likely doing. #vodka #preflightentertainment