TNrick: Three Faces of Eve
FrecKles:): "There stands the castle, by yon tuft of trees."
austinspace: Jessica
fanjason: It is important to expect nothing, to take every experience, including the negative ones, as merely steps on the path, and to proceed. ~Ram Dass
K △ y: ____
b3co: planning/recap mode on
b3co: shy smile
b3co: el beco estuvo aquí
frau TJUNG: frau TJUNG
NyYankee: Trastevere Chronicles
jonnycrush: Fingering Through Vinyl
Pris Cy: Fiorella
Ukenaut: "1.21 jigawatts, Great Scott!"
Joao_Paulo_Barbosa: Raios de Buda - Chile
Joao_Paulo_Barbosa: Geiser del Tatio - Atacama - Chile
Joao_Paulo_Barbosa: Laguna Miscanti - Atacama - Chile
Joao_Paulo_Barbosa: Reflexo da Catedral de Santiago - Chile
Alireza202: FF vs. APS-C: DOF
..AVA..: Outta sight / Outta mind
Lady Smirnoff: From the 8th floor
achuka: keeping us together
Shabbir Ferdous: Bangladesh : Little Rain
Cereal-Killer 72: and suddenly I Blacked Out
Mr. Theklan: itsaso zakarra XI
..AVA..: I could forget the smells and sounds of places...
babykailan: Taller in many other ways
Daniel Mihai: Burning sky
austinspace: San Diego