17 Days old: Dexter & Venus
Beautiful weather today! Windows down on my way to Atlanta. Stuck in traffic on i24 and I don't even care...
Kawalungring Mountain Range, Tibet 2014
One of my favorite things to do is to sit on the porch as a storm rolls in... The smell of the air and the look of the sky always amazes me.
Yay! My last full day at work until the 14th is half done already! Half day tomorrow then that's it!!! I need a break so badly!
Hump day is almost over and only 2 more days this week! Whew... It's been a rough couple days!
At work today... Everyone that helped get this project we've been working on for the last 18 months took pics for our internal website. Here's mine
Philipp Klinger Photography:
Another Gordes Sunrise