gilltheaker: Wicken Fen
gilltheaker: Through the treetrunk
gilltheaker: The Yellow Walk
gilltheaker: Stalks
gilltheaker: Sails to the sun
gilltheaker: In old age
gilltheaker: Gone for a walk
gilltheaker: Double take
gilltheaker: Crossing
gilltheaker: Bullrushes amongst the sedge
gilltheaker: Ripple effect
gilltheaker: Reflected sedge
gilltheaker: Windpump silhouette
gilltheaker: January reflections
gilltheaker: Catching the sun
gilltheaker: Three of a kind
gilltheaker: Herald of Spring
gilltheaker: Burdock head
gilltheaker: Gatekeeper
gilltheaker: Is my camouflage good enough?
gilltheaker: Showing his colours
gilltheaker: Small or Essex Skipper
gilltheaker: Balancing act
gilltheaker: Bee-ing busy
gilltheaker: Path through the sedge
gilltheaker: Steam up
gilltheaker: Plumbing the depths
gilltheaker: Windpump