gilltheaker: Steaming off
gilltheaker: Ready to return
gilltheaker: In steam
gilltheaker: The points
gilltheaker: Workmanship
gilltheaker: Waiting room
gilltheaker: Third class
gilltheaker: Waiting for departure
gilltheaker: Playing trains
gilltheaker: Red Admiral
gilltheaker: A house and its lake
gilltheaker: Wellingtonia
gilltheaker: Sweet smelling
gilltheaker: Bumbling about
gilltheaker: High summer
gilltheaker: Beneath the trees
gilltheaker: Bygone
gilltheaker: All alone
gilltheaker: Salute to Morston
gilltheaker: Evening reflections
gilltheaker: Full to overflowing
gilltheaker: Terning down
gilltheaker: Catching the light
gilltheaker: New Vestments
gilltheaker: Spanning the river
gilltheaker: Chancel and East Window
gilltheaker: Chancel ceiling
gilltheaker: Pillar
gilltheaker: Coloured
gilltheaker: Makeover