gilltheaker: Victorian Cloches
gilltheaker: The Potting Shed
gilltheaker: Still life with watering can
gilltheaker: Spiders' Paradise
gilltheaker: Ready to pick
gilltheaker: Pulley
gilltheaker: Plane tree
gilltheaker: Lake reflections
gilltheaker: Gardener's World
gilltheaker: English summer
gilltheaker: Bridge over the lake
gilltheaker: Orange and green
gilltheaker: Fenced
gilltheaker: Tied in knots
gilltheaker: The garden door
gilltheaker: Prize marrow
gilltheaker: Pink Star
gilltheaker: Sir Knight
gilltheaker: Knight in shining armour
gilltheaker: Is this my size?
gilltheaker: A very modern squire
gilltheaker: The Squire
gilltheaker: The knight's army
gilltheaker: Audley End Stable Block
gilltheaker: Audley End House
gilltheaker: Artichoke flowers
gilltheaker: Plane arches
gilltheaker: Look out behind you!
gilltheaker: Broken wing
gilltheaker: Helichrysums