xrxss15: Black-tailed Trogon
Kamal50: Bat Falcon
Neil Phillips: peacock bass cichlid
xrxss15: Marico Sunbird
av8s: Humpback Whale
Phil Gower Bird Photography: Rufous-tailed Rock Thrush - a lifer for me!
wentloog: Pontcanna Dawn
wentloog: Stormy Panorama
dottorics: Aglais Io
xrxss15: Lilac-breasted Roller
Bernard DUPONT: Painted Relief of Seti I with Anubis ...
av8s: Great Shearwater
Fabio Savini: Andrias japonicus (Ōsanshōuo)
xrxss15: Lilac-breasted Roller
tune505: 꿩 (Ring-necked Pheasant)
Phil Arachno: Calopteryx splendens
klythawk: Broad-bodied Chaser......
Chris Denny/dennyc69: Zebra Swallowtail
dotun55: brilliant nymph
dotun55: stratified
LucyFilippini01: Glasswinged butterfly
alfie-p: Misty morning
somu123: sentosa_2_
JanePapa: IMG_2069-15
Camerar :-): Callicore lyca
xrxss15: Yellow-billed Kite
Nick Ransdale: 0S8A1705. Northern Wheatear (Oenanthe oenanthe) m
John Horstman (itchydogimages, SINOBUG): Chalcosiine Day-flying Moth (Chalcophaedra zuleika, Chalcosiinae, Zygaenidae)