harum.koh: IMG_1764
harum.koh: at a park, Kobe city, Japan.
harum.koh: Hawfinch(Shime)
harum.koh: in a park, fz200
harum.koh: park
harum.koh: ユキヤナギ
harum.koh: found lots of balls on ground
harum.koh: oriental greenfinch
harum.koh: found lots of red flowers? on moss floor
harum.koh: it was rainy saturday
harum.koh: Japanese Wax Tree (Toxicodendron succedaneum)
harum.koh: at Okusuma park
harum.koh: Eurasian Tree Sparrow (Passer montanus)
harum.koh: Garden
harum.koh: garden.
harum.koh: weeds
harum.koh: ハゼノキ?
harum.koh: ferns
harum.koh: Asplenium incisum
harum.koh: Asplenium incisum
harum.koh: Asplenium incisum
harum.koh: Onychium japonicum
harum.koh: Japanese five-needle pine (Pinus parviflora)
harum.koh: Japanese five-needle pine (Pinus parviflora)
harum.koh: Lacebark Pine (Pinus bungeana)
harum.koh: Lacebark Pine (Pinus bungeana)
harum.koh: id pend
harum.koh: id pend
harum.koh: Gymnaster savatieri
harum.koh: Paeonia