Youshun: human shadow
Youshun: stairway, stairway, stairway
Youshun: Yabe station
Youshun: 4月 矢部駅 / April. Yabe station
Youshun: 国立遺伝学研究所前/National Institute of Genetics(Japan) at the bus stop.
Youshun: 桜ヶ丘前
Youshun: 静岡県三島市
Youshun: World on the other side of the mirror.
Youshun: phone booth, bench, YABE station.
Youshun: rail to hachiouji.
Youshun: light the powder snow
Youshun: flare
Youshun: 根府川駅
Youshun: 高尾駅前にて / Takao station
Youshun: 静岡県三島市、山田中学校へと続く道 / Mishima city.
Youshun: 三島市文教町2丁目 / Mishima city, Bunkyo-cho 2chome
Youshun: 鎌倉高校前駅 / side of Kamakura high school station.
Youshun: 三島田町駅 / Mishima tamachi station
Youshun: 黄金崎西伊豆にて / Ohgon point at the western Izu.
Youshun: rail crossing at Shuzenji / 修善寺の踏切りから
Youshun: Light and Rain, 深大寺にて / In the Jindai-temple.
Youshun: Mishima city, Shizuoka pref.
Youshun: Mishima city
Youshun: Tachibana, Sushi shop.
Youshun: cosmos -秋桜-
Youshun: Izu hakone line in Mishima city
Youshun: 飲み処(Bar), Sagamihara city
Youshun: Around Yabe Station.
Youshun: 深大寺(jindaiji)
Youshun: 西伊豆(Western Izu)