Museum of Hartlepool: Firemen at Match Factory Fire 1954
Museum of Hartlepool: Ruins of Match Factory 1954
Museum of Hartlepool: Collapsing building - Match Factory 1954
Museum of Hartlepool: Heavy smoke and flames - Match factory 1954
Museum of Hartlepool: Smoke and flames - Match Factory fire 1954
Museum of Hartlepool: Smoke and flames - Match Factory fire 1954
Museum of Hartlepool: Smoke and flames - Match Factory fire 1954
Museum of Hartlepool: Smoke and flames - Match factory fire 1954
Museum of Hartlepool: Smoke and flames - Match Factory 1954
Museum of Hartlepool: Smoke and flames - Match factory fire 1954
Museum of Hartlepool: Remains of Match factory building - 1954
Museum of Hartlepool: Side of building before demolition Match factory fire 1954
Museum of Hartlepool: Smoke and flames - Match factory fire 1954
Museum of Hartlepool: Firemen tackling the fire - Match factory fire 1954
Museum of Hartlepool: Remains of Match factory 1954
Museum of Hartlepool: Smoke and flames - Match Factory fire 1954
Museum of Hartlepool: Smoke and flames - Match factory fire 1954
Museum of Hartlepool: Smoke and flames - Match Factory fire 1954
Museum of Hartlepool: Smoke and flames - Match Factory fire 1954
Museum of Hartlepool: Tugs fighting the fire - Match Factory fire 1954
Museum of Hartlepool: Tugs helping to put out the fire - Match factory fire 1954
Museum of Hartlepool: Demolition in progress - Match Factory fire 1954
Museum of Hartlepool: Smoke and flames - Match Factory fire 1954
Museum of Hartlepool: Inside The Old Heugh Lighthouse
Museum of Hartlepool: Seaton Carew Lifeboat and Crew
Museum of Hartlepool: Seaton Carew Lifeboat and Crew
Museum of Hartlepool: Lighthouse Hartlepool Headland pre-1914
Museum of Hartlepool: Old Heugh Gas Burning Lamp
Museum of Hartlepool: Temporary Lighthouse
Museum of Hartlepool: Heugh Lighthouse