Harry Lipson III: Autumn in the woods
Harry Lipson III: Fall Colors
Harry Lipson III: Golden Larch tree
Harry Lipson III: Boston skyline at sunset
Harry Lipson III: ground gold
Harry Lipson III: October blanket
Harry Lipson III: Autumn In These Woods
Harry Lipson III: Sunrise in Boston
Harry Lipson III: Autumn In The Woods
Harry Lipson III: sunlight on ivy and stained glass
Harry Lipson III: abstraction through glass
Harry Lipson III: Spyria shrub
Harry Lipson III: Colorations
Harry Lipson III: a Threadleaf Maple Tree
Harry Lipson III: Spyria bush in Autumn colors
Harry Lipson III: Berries for the taking
Harry Lipson III: Spyrea Coloration
Harry Lipson III: fronds of the Ginkgo tree
Harry Lipson III: a righteous Autumn