Clevergrrl: Saph and an ice covered tree
Clevergrrl: Saph has ice on her head.
Steve took it: passing by
emilychughes: NOT PHOTOSHOPPED. It actually came out like this.
fairy_landing_garden: Simone & Timo
Ape Lad: Ghosts United
kasja83: archs
Jieja: Foreground
xollob58: Stairway to heaven?
Michel Filion: Ze Squirrel
RedandJonny: redandjonny: The sweetest perfection.
Smile, nature!: Sensible, délicate, fragille et sensuelle...
stevelosh: Eggs-2909
Crazy Kernow: Moonlight & Magic*
Andrés Otárola: aguas magicas
gillespinault: 309-Optimisme
Thiru Murugan: Green Drops
Thiru Murugan: Abstract wood
OiMax: The Black Cat in the green
tillwe: Abstract wine
lomokev: do i look like a terrorist?
aarond777: Frosted tree branch - snowflakes weighing it down
mkoutna: Voda a ľad
Ariasgonzalo: Las alas de un angel
Island Capture (aka Silverph or psilver): RAW Processing comparison
MikQuattro: Wow Sky
pyza*: 3. "Where are your manners, Chmurka?!" - Szarotka