harmoge: PLX_5624a Rocky Dawn
harmoge: PLX_9768
harmoge: PLX_4190 Tule Elk Protest Pt Reyes 7/3/2021
harmoge: DSCF4011 (2) Point Reyes - Abbott Lagoon beach on a gray day
harmoge: MAH02059 My View of the World
harmoge: DSC04617 A World of Our Making
harmoge: DSC02817
harmoge: DSC02337 Waiting for the tide's return
harmoge: DSC01764
harmoge: DSC05499 The last photo before he departed
harmoge: DSC03702
harmoge: DSC01385
harmoge: P2380093
harmoge: P1090606
harmoge: P2280589 Time waits for no man
harmoge: P2270256 Ways of the Heart
harmoge: P2260548 All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players; They have their exits and their entrances, And one man in his time plays many parts, - Shakespeare
harmoge: P2200817
harmoge: P2130967
harmoge: P1880040
harmoge: P1740209
harmoge: P1710382 stand up and be counted
harmoge: P1480330 the departure
harmoge: P1230494
harmoge: DSCF6393 Lines