hardworkinghippy : La Ferme de Sourrou: Bourrou altitude circle with second circle zone one : vesica piscis
hardworkinghippy : La Ferme de Sourrou: This map shows our altitude for determining swale areas and helped us decide where to build the house.
hardworkinghippy : La Ferme de Sourrou: Terracing and designing swales at the Sourrou garden
hardworkinghippy : La Ferme de Sourrou: The A-frame Tim made for defining contours in the cross field
hardworkinghippy : La Ferme de Sourrou: Swale contour cross field 1
hardworkinghippy : La Ferme de Sourrou: Swale contour cross field 2
hardworkinghippy : La Ferme de Sourrou: Swale contour cross field 3
hardworkinghippy : La Ferme de Sourrou: Récuperation d'eau La Ferme de Sourrou Zone 1
hardworkinghippy : La Ferme de Sourrou: View to Bourrou with Bullrushes
hardworkinghippy : La Ferme de Sourrou: Swales incorporated in paths in the potager
hardworkinghippy : La Ferme de Sourrou: Second floor view to the back garden
hardworkinghippy : La Ferme de Sourrou: View from the scaffolding
hardworkinghippy : La Ferme de Sourrou: Dowsing lesson : Présentation de la Radiesthésie
hardworkinghippy : La Ferme de Sourrou: Planting plants - getting support pickets for a tree with the gloriette in the background
hardworkinghippy : La Ferme de Sourrou: Wicking / hugelkultur bed in leaking pond
hardworkinghippy : La Ferme de Sourrou: Swale to capture water from the front drive for the shrubs
hardworkinghippy : La Ferme de Sourrou: sloping garden top raised bed
hardworkinghippy : La Ferme de Sourrou: sloping garden terraced 043
hardworkinghippy : La Ferme de Sourrou: Land showing the slope towards the bottom of the field
hardworkinghippy : La Ferme de Sourrou: CCP 2016 Digging a swale after marking out the levels with hoses
hardworkinghippy : La Ferme de Sourrou: This shallow pond will be filled using a swale and puddled by wild boar
hardworkinghippy : La Ferme de Sourrou: This planting is to protect the house and garden from the north and west wind. The area under the trees is dry and full of moles so I used a little swale to capture water from the slope to the north
hardworkinghippy : La Ferme de Sourrou: Showing soil erosion effect on a slope after heavy rain 1
hardworkinghippy : La Ferme de Sourrou: Wet and windy, full swale ahead