hardworkinghippy : La Ferme de Sourrou:
Wild Boar (Sanglier) print
hardworkinghippy : La Ferme de Sourrou:
Sanglier in the new veg plot - cheeky thing broke some windows in my greenhouse!
hardworkinghippy : La Ferme de Sourrou:
A young wild boar in the garden
hardworkinghippy : La Ferme de Sourrou:
In 2007 the hunters in our village of 156 inhabitants distributed 600 kilos of wild boar meat
hardworkinghippy : La Ferme de Sourrou:
Bonnie with wild boar (sanglier) tail
hardworkinghippy : La Ferme de Sourrou:
Bonny training & sanglier (wild boar) skin
hardworkinghippy : La Ferme de Sourrou:
Didi with a sanglier jaw
hardworkinghippy : La Ferme de Sourrou:
Our Teckels, Bonnie and Didi both good hunters
hardworkinghippy : La Ferme de Sourrou:
Bonnie home from a hard day's hunting in a soft bed
hardworkinghippy : La Ferme de Sourrou:
Sanglier (Wild boar) skull. After we take the meat for ourselves, we feed the crayfish in the stream.
hardworkinghippy : La Ferme de Sourrou:
Sanglier or Wild Boar 88 kilos is given full honours
hardworkinghippy : La Ferme de Sourrou:
Nov 2004 Wild boar/Sanglier 90 & 65 kilos
hardworkinghippy : La Ferme de Sourrou:
Sanglier in pots with Didi
hardworkinghippy : La Ferme de Sourrou:
Jars ready to put away
hardworkinghippy : La Ferme de Sourrou:
Bonnie - the intrepid wild boar hunter
hardworkinghippy : La Ferme de Sourrou:
Young wild boar (Sanglier)
hardworkinghippy : La Ferme de Sourrou:
Young male wild boar (one of our pigs is in season)
hardworkinghippy : La Ferme de Sourrou:
Sanglier 95 kilos and butcher
hardworkinghippy : La Ferme de Sourrou:
Sanglier 96 kilos stuffed head (Which I don't really like personally.)
hardworkinghippy : La Ferme de Sourrou:
A present for a wild boar hunter !
hardworkinghippy : La Ferme de Sourrou:
Look carefully in the background and you'll see a wild boar
hardworkinghippy : La Ferme de Sourrou:
Working late into the night to cut up the meat for distribution
hardworkinghippy : La Ferme de Sourrou:
Billy, one of the hunter's wild boar (Sanglier) dogs
hardworkinghippy : La Ferme de Sourrou:
Chasse (hunting) bracelets description of age and sex of animal
hardworkinghippy : La Ferme de Sourrou:
Chasse (hunting) bracelets Cerf Chevreuil Sanglier