harald.bohn: the beach cleaners have been here - very good work
harald.bohn: Driftwood in Høyvika
harald.bohn: Høyvika
harald.bohn: Reinroser ovenfor stranda
harald.bohn: Reinrose i bakkene over stranda
harald.bohn: Waves on the beach
harald.bohn: Waves on the beach
harald.bohn: On the beach
harald.bohn: Driftwood on the beach
harald.bohn: Mye spennende på stranda
harald.bohn: Patterns of the beach
harald.bohn: Patterns of the beach
harald.bohn: Wiew of Måtind
harald.bohn: traces of other visitors
harald.bohn: Welcoming beach in Høyvika
harald.bohn: Welcoming beach in Høyvika
harald.bohn: View from the skard between Hestvika and Høyvika, view towards Måtind
harald.bohn: The Stave beach
harald.bohn: Hike to Høyvika, a bay on Andøya. Start at Stave.
harald.bohn: Approaching Laupen
harald.bohn: At Laupen, view towards the bay Otervika. In Explore 15.6.2022.
harald.bohn: Utsikt nordover mot Bleik og Bleikmorenen naturreservat. Vi ser Storvatnet til høyre. Steinsvatnan til venstre. Bleikmorenen nature reserve represents the oldest moraines in Norway. Situated right beside Bleik village and its beautiful beach on Andøya is
harald.bohn: Utsikt mot Bleik
harald.bohn: bright green by the sea
harald.bohn: The tail. He is going down. For a few seconds the sperm whale's tail waves in the air before it dives a hundred meters or more to the bottom. The young male sperm whales feed on squid along the edge of the continental shelf near the coast of Norway. Ousid
harald.bohn: Sperm whale going down! Observed onn whale safari from Andenes.
harald.bohn: Profile of the island Bleiksøya and the land within. Andøya, Norway