hapyday: P1250792 Jessica backbend
hapyday: P1220553 The Place of Burial, reduced
hapyday: P1220550 Glorious setting in creek reduced
hapyday: P1220158 Beaver with out of control tooth
hapyday: P1000439 Whole tree at appartments, full size
hapyday: P1000838 Redbud Cedar, reduced
hapyday: 1000838 Redbud Cedar, reduced
hapyday: 100_9344 Radio phone 1, back panel
hapyday: 100_9345 Radio phone 1, serial 111949
hapyday: 100_9348 Radio phone 1 face, Vintage CB
hapyday: 100_9347 Radio phone 1 face, Vintage CB
hapyday: P1010207, Inside of the FM Modulation Monitor
hapyday: Swallowtail on pear tree
hapyday: Bumpy Leaves
hapyday: Horn Worm
hapyday: He's a had lad
hapyday: Parasite or Parasites
hapyday: Frown, Blase, Smile
hapyday: Sister B.
hapyday: "This is important!"
hapyday: A Picture Worth a Thousand Words
hapyday: Simulated Rapture
hapyday: Crabb Apple Blossom Cluster
hapyday: Chem Trail 4 at a time
hapyday: The Hex
hapyday: Chem Trails
hapyday: Cyprus trees by the Tennessee River
hapyday: Veggie Salad
hapyday: For A Few More Minutes
hapyday: Amy and Her Harp