happyraindrops: Screw that I pulled out of my garbage disposal
happyraindrops: Good + Plenty
happyraindrops: Shepard Fairy vandalized my roof
happyraindrops: 4 Ayr Road
happyraindrops: Room, 6:50 pm
happyraindrops: Sturgeon and Freddy
happyraindrops: Christmas Card
happyraindrops: Gingerbread House
happyraindrops: Gingerbread House
happyraindrops: Gingerbread House
happyraindrops: Praise the Great Sturgeon
happyraindrops: Delicious Pomegranate
happyraindrops: Sprinkles
happyraindrops: Christmas lights in a jar
happyraindrops: Trackstand!
happyraindrops: Checkpoint!
happyraindrops: Stairwell Skylight
happyraindrops: Chestnut Hill
happyraindrops: Goodbye I-5
happyraindrops: Goodbye Willamette
happyraindrops: Goodbye Powell's Books
happyraindrops: Goodbye Portland
happyraindrops: Goodbye Hawthorne Bridge
happyraindrops: Mt. St. Helens
happyraindrops: Half Dome, with cables
happyraindrops: Half Dome, Liberty Dome
happyraindrops: Down the Cables
happyraindrops: San Francisco