edgehillsignalman: 48665 passing Ex Jcn_GY
edgehillsignalman: 29 Ribble 781 and 980 at Skelhorne St coach station late 1960s
edgehillsignalman: 28 Ribble 728 at Skelhorne St coach station late 1960s
edgehillsignalman: 165 050 411-8 and 052 819-0 down Schiefe Ebene
edgehillsignalman: 164 001 234-4 down Schiefe Ebene
edgehillsignalman: 157 211 162-3 and Br 044 at Trebgast
edgehillsignalman: 156 DB 001 088_4 possibly Marktschorgast_Edit
edgehillsignalman: 151 ÖBB 1042 538 at Nürnberg
edgehillsignalman: 148 DB 118 029-8 and 140 214-8 at Nürnberg
edgehillsignalman: 147 DB 086 132-8 about to dep Nürnberg
edgehillsignalman: 146 DB 064 448-4 about to dep Bayreuth_Edit
edgehillsignalman: 137 DB 044 118-8 at Weiden Bw
edgehillsignalman: 135 DB 064 389-0 at Kirchenlaibach
edgehillsignalman: 131 DB 086 587-3 at Nürnberg
edgehillsignalman: 126 DB 064 355-1 prepares to dep Bayreuth
edgehillsignalman: 121 DB 086 493-4 at Hof Bw_Edit
edgehillsignalman: 120a_Edit Br 01 200 and Br 50 at Hof Bw.
edgehillsignalman: 114 DB 038 382_8 at Bad Harzburg
edgehillsignalman: 104 DB 038 382_8 at Vienenburg on tour to Bad Harzburg
edgehillsignalman: DSCF0893 Bidston
edgehillsignalman: 185 75048 heading sth through Preston
edgehillsignalman: 210 class 9F 92203 on way to Shotton_1
edgehillsignalman: 209 92203 passing Bidston with last Summers Ore train to Shotton
edgehillsignalman: 208 BR Class 9F 92203 at Bidston Last Summers Ore train to Shotton
edgehillsignalman: 92203 passing Bidston with last John Summers ore train
edgehillsignalman: DSCF0364_22 CS to West Kirby at Pump Lane, Greasby. RIP Avon.
edgehillsignalman: 098 Tour loco being watered
edgehillsignalman: 095 Tour loco at Seesen.
edgehillsignalman: 093a Salzgitter Bw.
edgehillsignalman: 092 Set of restored Rheingold coaches