happybirds_ch: Nigritelle noire - Black Vanilla Orchid
happybirds_ch: Orchis globuleux - Globe Orchid
happybirds_ch: Orchis brûlé - Burnt Orchid
happybirds_ch: Spiranthe d'automne - Autumn Lady's Tresses
happybirds_ch: Epipactis à larges feuilles - Broad-leaved Helleborine
happybirds_ch: Orchis grenouille - Frog Orchid
happybirds_ch: Orchis brûlé - Burnt Orchid
happybirds_ch: Orchis pyramidal - Pyramidal Orchid
happybirds_ch: Listère en coeur - Lesser Twayblade
happybirds_ch: Sabot de Vénus et thomise variable - Lady's Slipper Orchid and Crab Spider
happybirds_ch: Ophrys bourdon - Late Spider-orchid
happybirds_ch: Sabot de Vénus - Lady's Slipper Orchid
happybirds_ch: Plathantère à deux feuilles - Lesser Butterfly-orchid
happybirds_ch: Orchis moucheron - Marsh fragrant Orchid
happybirds_ch: Orchis homme-pendu - Man Orchid
happybirds_ch: Orchis bouffon - Green-winged Orchid
happybirds_ch: Ophrys reinhardiorum (reinholdii)
happybirds_ch: Ophrys reinhardiorum (reinholdii) hypochrome
happybirds_ch: Ophrys bécasse (Andalousie) - Woodcock Orchid (Andalucia)
happybirds_ch: Néottie nid d'oiseau - Bird's-nest Orchid
happybirds_ch: Orchis miel - Small white Orchid
happybirds_ch: Ophrys brun (Andalousie) - Sombre Bee-orchid (Andalucia)
happybirds_ch: Nigritelle d'Autriche - Nigritella Austriaca
happybirds_ch: Ophrys jaune (Andalousie) - Yellow Bee-orchid (Andalucia)
happybirds_ch: Ophrys bombyx (Andalousie) - Bumblebee Orchid (Andalucia)
happybirds_ch: Ophrys guêpe (Andalousie) - Sawfly Orchid (Andalucia)
happybirds_ch: Orchid - Halmahera
happybirds_ch: Orchidée Calypso (Finlande) - Fairy Slipper Orchid (Finland)
happybirds_ch: Orchis militaire et Punaise des baies - Military Orchid and Sloe Bug
happybirds_ch: Listère à feuilles ovales - Common Twayblade