Heffordphoto: Barred Owl with Prey
miketrdunn: Burrowing Owl 24-115
Maxime Légaré-Vézina: Chouette rayée - Barred owl
Pat Kavanagh: Badger flexing his claws
Flickr: Celebrating Women's Stories: Renee's Moment
Maxime Légaré-Vézina: Grand-duc d'Amérique - Great horned owl
Jim Cumming: Eastern Cottontail rabbit10
Dinusaur: A Prize Catch
Darren P Clark: Great Gray Owl eating a Vole view 1, 2023
Darren P Clark: Great Gray Owl in a Blizzard view 1, 2023
Charlaine Jean: Sous la neige - Chouette Lapone - Great Gray owl
photosauraus rex: Great Grey Owlet
fascinationwildlife: Peregrine Falcon
fascinationwildlife: Three-toed sloth
maverikbandit: Eastern screech owlet
Maxime Légaré-Vézina: Great gray owl - Chouette lapone - Strix nebulosa
PamsWildImages: Well Hello!
pedro lastra: Happy Otter (Lontra canadensis) enjoying sushi breakfast, Green Cay Nature Preserve.
fascinationwildlife: Great crested grebes
pedro lastra: Great Egret in breeding plumage, Wakodahatchee Wetlands. Olympus OM system OM-1 Camera Test.
MindfulnessArt: Un endroit particulier / A particular place
fascinationwildlife: Long-eared owl
pedro lastra: Hunting Technique 101. Moma Bobcat drills her kitten on the finer points of the hunt, Green Cay Nature Preserve.
lime1957: Short-eared Owl
airboy123: Black-necked Stilts
maverikbandit: Short eared owl
fascinationwildlife: Burrowing Owl
rileyron: Great Gray Owl (Strix nebulosa)