Hans_Blokpoel: Two Black-tailed Godwits foraging in an inundated meadow near Amsterdam
Hans_Blokpoel: Black-tailed Godwit
Hans_Blokpoel: Cape May Warbler, Male
Hans_Blokpoel: Common Grackles posturing on my bird bath
Hans_Blokpoel: Common Grackles en route to their night roost
Hans_Blokpoel: Robin repels female Red-breasted Grosbeak that wants to use the bird bath too.
Hans_Blokpoel: American Crow
Hans_Blokpoel: Egyptian Goose
Hans_Blokpoel: Male Pheasant showing off on his territory in the dunes of Schiermonnikoog
Hans_Blokpoel: Female Pheasant seemingly ignoring the males on their territories
Hans_Blokpoel: Male Pheasant in his richly coloured plumage
Hans_Blokpoel: Brant resting on a mudflat off Schiermonnikoog
Hans_Blokpoel: Barnacle Geese and one Oystercatcher.
Hans_Blokpoel: Barnacle Goose
Hans_Blokpoel: Shellducks feeding on the mudflats at low tide
Hans_Blokpoel: Shellduck
Hans_Blokpoel: Shellduck
Hans_Blokpoel: Shoveler, M
Hans_Blokpoel: Tufted Duck, F
Hans_Blokpoel: Barnacle Geese looking for a place to land.
Hans_Blokpoel: The island of Schiermonnikoog is a car-free nature reserve.
Hans_Blokpoel: European Spoonbill
Hans_Blokpoel: Black-tailed Godwits and other shorebirds banking.
Hans_Blokpoel: Brant coming in for a landing
Hans_Blokpoel: Great Egret catching small fishes
Hans_Blokpoel: Purple Martin female arrives with a dragonfly for its chicks
Hans_Blokpoel: Raven fledgeling, harassed by a Redwinged Blackbird
Hans_Blokpoel: A fishing party of cormorants on Dow's Lake
Hans_Blokpoel: Tree Swallow leaving the nestbox
Hans_Blokpoel: Barred Owl