Kookaburra having a laugh (2)
Tom Ramsey:
Tricolored Heron
Tom Ramsey:
Three Birds
Johan Buts:
Move On.
Tom Ramsey:
Ruddy Turnstone
Ian Colley Photography:
Rainbow Bee-eater (Merops ornatus)
Ian Colley Photography:
White-winged Fairy-wren (Malurus leuconotus)
Ian Colley Photography:
Little Corella (Cacatua sanguinea)
Mark & Bernice O'Mahoney:
White-browed Babbler [Pomastomus superciliosus], Copeton Dam NSW.
Mark & Bernice O'Mahoney:
Black-winged Stilt [Himantopis himantopis], Dangars Lagoon, Uralla NSW.
Mark & Bernice O'Mahoney:
Pale-headed Rosella [Platycercus palliceps], Warialda NSW.
Mark & Bernice O'Mahoney:
Apsley Fallls, Walcha NSW.
Mark & Bernice O'Mahoney:
Turquoise Parrot [Neophilma pulchella]
Mark & Bernice O'Mahoney:
Copeton Dam - storm clouds on the horizon.
Mark & Bernice O'Mahoney:
Masked Lapwing [Vanellus miles], Copeton Dam
Mark & Bernice O'Mahoney:
Eastern Rosella [Platycerus eximis], Copeton Dam.
Mark & Bernice O'Mahoney:
Laughing Kookaburra [Daecelo novaeguinea] Mann River Nature Reserve.
Tom Ramsey:
Brightening Twilight
Tom Ramsey:
Fishing in the Evening
Tom Ramsey: