Hannie's: In respect for... / Uit eerbied voor...
Hannie's: Starring bud
Hannie's: Cosmos in threefold
Hannie's: In grateful memory... / In dankbare herinnering...
Hannie's: National Indies Monument / Nationaal Indië-monument
Hannie's: Herfststukje / Fall decoration
Hannie's: Paarse struikheide / Purple heather
Hannie's: Soft pinkness
Hannie's: Cosmos behind bars / Cosmea achter tralies
Hannie's: Bedankt, Rob Verlinden! / Thank you, Rob Verlinden!
Hannie's: Leaning on its big sister
Hannie's: Heart of the Cosmos
Hannie's: Cosmos petals
Hannie's: Little pearls in the spider's web
Hannie's: Spider webs / Spinnenwebben
Hannie's: Introducing my hubby...
Hannie's: A bouquet of rhododendron flowers
Hannie's: Rhododendron in white
Hannie's: "Magic light" in our bathroom window in b&w
Hannie's: A sea of pinks and reds
Hannie's: Almost floating
Hannie's: Hey, scoot over, will ya?
Hannie's: Leaves of golden brown
Hannie's: Copper Beech in spring / Rode beuk in de lente
Hannie's: Flowers and a tower
Hannie's: Buxus balls for sale / Buxusbollen te koop
Hannie's: Beautiful fabrics at the market (3) / Mooie stoffen op de markt (3)
Hannie's: Beautiful fabrics at the market (2) / Mooie stoffen op de markt (2)
Hannie's: Beautiful fabrics at the market (1) / Mooie stoffen op de markt (1)
Hannie's: Orchid buds in black and white