Roman Königshofer | rawmeyn: Sadly it's not going all the way down...
Roman Königshofer | rawmeyn: In love with the light.
weesam2010: Breithorn, Swiss Alps
weesam2010: Midnight on Vestvågøya in the Lofoten Islands, Norway
Adam Norwood: There's an owl on my bike!
David Martin Castan: Midi O´ssau (Explore)
andremagarao: Guilherme finding some nice shade
skarpi - Kerlingarfjöll, Hveradalir "Geothermal Walley", Central highlands, Iceland.
Fernando Peón: Los caprichos del Cantábrico I
Kieran Campbell: Hong Kong
Free Roaming Photography: Gray Wolves in the Lamar Valley
stigc: Fire
Nuno Miguel Duarte: Altocumulus lenticularis - Explored
moophisto: Shinpei Hanawa @ Kyoto Fushimi-inari
Chris Hill-Scott: Billy Cooper barspin drop off
BrightonJel: The Captain's Shroud
Free Roaming Photography: Black Wolf in Yellowstone National Park
lensinurface: _DSC9906
maxxsmart: Top Of The World
Paul und Lotte: his Majesty is not amused
Jason Hummel Photography: Mount Baker black and white Awesomeness
ianhylands: IH_090527_X-FightersPreview_008
Eric Palmer: Malcolm Peters
orvaratli: Steam Pump - Eyjafjallajökull Eruption
orvaratli: Emerging Heat - Geothermal area at Krísuvík/Kleifarvatn