Zanshin Art: Work in progress
Zanshin Art: Noel. Oils on canvas, 20” x 16”
Zanshin Art: Coco
jenniedo: Light reflections on the ceiling of my Edmonton apartment at night
Zanshin Art: Work in progress
jenniedo: Two babies "pleasing" for bacon
Michael Kalus: Morning Light
d_&_r: Narrowsburg, NY
jenniedo: Baby's first Halifax winter storm!
jenniedo: The ADORABLE little orange snowplow that plows Halifax sidewalks
Michael Kalus: Steam
Zanshin Art: Kennedy Going Out
Zanshin Art: Turkey Vulture
Michael Kalus: After the Storm
geckzilla: NGC 1514 Visible
geckzilla: NGC 1514 Infrared
Michael Kalus: King Tide
Michael Kalus: Stacked
geckzilla: Triangulum Hubble Mosaic
Michael Kalus: Neon Lights
d_&_r: NYC
Zanshin Art: Work in progress
d_&_r: Slide Mountain, NY
Michael Kalus: Reaching Down
Michael Kalus: Flash & Bang
Michael Kalus: Full Moon