sparth: View
jessi.bryan: Canon 85mm f/1.2L II vs Canon 50mm f/1.4
André Delhaye: I saw you in my dreams
g_heyde: Cathédrale Notre-Dame de Bayeux
jpk.: H-Bahn
lucapatrone: Luca_patrone_early_afternoon_080
stuntbox: Brooklyn Hail
The girl with a leaf: ~ In Your Quiet Mood ~
Stephen Laverack: Reflections on modern architecture
Fotovlieger (aka hanselpedia): Roeien op de Rotte, Rotterdam, NL
Shamim Ahmed Photos: Winter Morning, Brigade Parade Ground
lutman123: September 25 Day 25
spanish harlem mona lisa: notice how no one is actually swimming?
yuankuei: 呼吸燈 - PC310781
XXVIII: Let There Be Light
Julio López Saguar: Transparent
Davemerica: Unisex
IanBrewer: Synchronized Diving
crosslens: tile biking