handdrawn: Oh Hai! moving over to primfeed!
handdrawn: If you're not speaking it, you're storing it, and that gets heavy.
handdrawn: go for it.
handdrawn: Define, refine.
handdrawn: They call it a “selfie” because “narcissistic” is too hard to spell.
handdrawn: A reminder to stop and smell the flowers.
handdrawn: There are still plenty of people out there who appreciate genuine effort and reciprocity.
handdrawn: Dressed to impress, ready to dance.
handdrawn: 20 years from now you'd give anything to be this age again.
handdrawn: Cake is not just a food, it's an emotion.
handdrawn: It took me forever to get comfortable with the fact that we're actually the ones in charge of deciding what our value is -not other people-
handdrawn: Go where you are loved. Stay where it's consistent. Period.
handdrawn: It hit me today that I don't know the names of many cats in my neighborhood.
handdrawn: Sorry I didn't text you back. I was pretending I didn't see it and ended up actually forgetting.
handdrawn: You are always becoming more.
handdrawn: BRB, going on spring break mode.
handdrawn: The more I look for signs from the universe, the more I see them.
handdrawn: An invisible red thread connects those who are destined to meet regardless of time, place, or circumstance. The thread may stretch or tangle, but it will never break.
handdrawn: People think that intimacy is about sex. But intimacy is about truth.
handdrawn: Today, I will remember how much I used to dream of where I am now
handdrawn: What makes you feel alive?
handdrawn: I can see the sun, but even if I cannot see the sun, I know that it exists.
handdrawn: Quiet people have the loudest minds
handdrawn: Don't spend more time trying to impress people who don't like you than you spend with people who love you for who you are.
handdrawn: Romantic Motherfluffer
handdrawn: The hypocrisy of being human...the constant tug between solitude and company.
handdrawn: Sometimes a "Hey" can be a start to three years of therapy so I just don't reply.
handdrawn: I couldn’t pass up the opportunity to hold you in my dreams and embrace the goodness of your soft touch.
handdrawn: A coffee a day keeps the grumpy away.
handdrawn: this might be my chilliest adventure yet!